Solo traveler’s advice
Advice to Solo travelers as with any solo traveling for a long distance here are a few safety tips that will ensure that you enjoy your trip and travel and return home safely:
> Leave an itinerary with a trusted friend or family member back home and check in periodically by phone or email. Notify them of any changes to your schedule.
> Try to Arrive at your distention during daylight hours and if you can not choose a site or a hotel or motel that look safe and ask from the administration about the safety of the neighborhood. If you feel unsafe, move on.
> Overnight in stay, remain within the compound of your motel and if you have to do a little shopping do it during the early hours of your arrival and only in areas with high activity as they are safer.
> Be aware of your surroundings and the people in them. Don’t invite trouble by displaying expensive jewelry or high end electronics.
> Carry extra cash for food, water, gas, warm clothing and a first aid kit in case of a roadway emergency. If you’re traveling in remote areas, be prepared to wait a day or more for help.
> Always carry a cell phone and phone card. Some areas may not have cell service. You should always have a way to contact emergency services.