
Friday, September 30, 2011

Mood-Boosting Foods

Mood-Boosting Foods
It’s no surprise that you can become incredibly stressed—the workload and assignments are equally as challenging as those administered at a work or school. But instead of letting that stress consume you and lashing out at innocent bystanders like your family, co-workers or friends, learn how to change your mood. A good way to do this is to make sure you’re eating all the right foods. Below are some common foods known to boost your mood whenever you are particularly feeling stressed, sad or downright grouchy.
When consumed in moderate portions, chocolate is a healthy and tasty instantaneous mood elevator—perhaps that’s why for generations women have turned to the delicious treat to help heal after a bad breakup. Chocolate helps fight depression and irritability because it is filled with phenylethylamine, a chemical that helps produce serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps send “feel-good” chemicals to the brain (think of it as a natural antidepressant). If you aren’t really fond of chocolate, then pour yourself a tall glass of milk. Milk also contains large quantities of phenylethylamine.
If you are a seafood lover, then head on over to your local fish market. This is because fish and shellfish are also known to elevate mood. Seafood is filled with Selenium, a chemical that is proven to not only increase levels of happiness and decreased level of stress, but it also gives you an energy boost. Salmon and tuna specifically are also great seafood choices because they contain high levels of omega 3 fatty acids. These fats help repair brain cells which is essential in maintaining a good mood. So the next time you feel like chopping someone’s head off, grab a can or pouch of tuna or salmon and have a light snack before you do anything or say something you might regret.
Lastly,ever wonder why Popeye seemed so cheery? Perhaps it’s because he had a diet high in spinach. Dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale and collard greens can help you reduce your anxiety and stress levels. This is because they contain high levels of folic acid and magnesium— two key nutrients that researches have discovered can help reduce stress and depression among other negative and harmful feelings

Friday, July 1, 2011

Cholesterol Lowering Foods That Taste Great!

Cholesterol Lowering Foods That Taste Great!
Cholesterol levels are very important when it comes to leading a healthy life. Many Americans suffer from high levels of cholesterol. High cholesterol can be caused by foods that are high in cholesterol, smoking and lack of exercise, just to name a few. Most people are conscious of the foods that are high in cholesterol and try to stay away from them. There are actually a lot of foods that can help to lower cholesterol levels as well and many people are not aware of these wonder foods. Here are some foods that can help ease your high cholesterol levels.
Fiber Filled Foods

Fiber can be found in many foods. Fiber can benefit the body in many ways, including lowering cholesterol. Foods that are high in cholesterol include oatmeal, apples and prunes. You can also find foods in the grocery store that advertise high amounts of fiber, like granola and snack bars. Pay attention to the amount of fiber in different foods the next time you go to the grocery store.
Whole Grains

Many common foods can now be purchased as whole grain products. Whole grain can be found in foods like pancakes and bread. If given a choice, you should always choose the whole grain option. Consuming foods with whole grain will also lessen your chances of developing heart disease. It’s a win-win situation when it comes to whole grains!

Gobs of Garlic
Garlic is used in many dishes and food products because of its great flavor. Surprisingly, something so tasty can actually be good for you. Researchers have found that a component in garlic actually triggers the liver and forces it to stop producing cholesterol. Garlic works to lower cholesterol when both raw and cooked. Next time you prepare a meal throw a little more garlic in!

Seafood, fish in particular, is a great source of fiber. This is a tasty way to get your fiber fix. Salmon is the fish that has the most fiber, as well as protein. The unique thing about the fiber found in fish is that is decreases the amount of bad cholesterol and actually increases the production of good cholesterol.
Nuts, Nuts and More Nuts

Many varieties of nuts contain large amounts of fiber. Nuts also filled with protein, reduce the chances of heart disease and increase the elasticity of arteries. The varieties of nuts with the most fiber are walnuts and pistachios. The only disadvantage of eating nuts is the high amounts of calories they contain.
Get Your Veggies

Vegetables, specifically ones that are dark green in color, are filled with fiber. This includes vegetables like cabbage, collard greens and spinach. You will consume more fiber by eating these foods raw. Drinking juice made from these vegetables will not give you any fiber. Dark green vegetables are extremely beneficial to the body because they also contain vitamin C and can lower blood pressure.
These are just some of the foods that can actually lower your cholesterol. Eating these types of foods will also benefit your body in many other ways!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Naturally get rid of bad breath

The Good News about Bad Breath!

The good news of bad breath is you can naturally get rid of bad breath. In fact, there are numerous natural bad breath treatments and you could actually be cured in days if you are serious about discovering what your bad breath cause is. But before you read about a historical natural bad breath treatment, let's first learn about what typically causes bad breath!

The Cause of Bad Breath

About 90% of the time, bad breath is caused by bacterium in the mouth. This bacterium is typically making its home on the tongue and makes a pungent, sharp taste and smell. If you look at the back of the tongue you will see a whitish or yellowish film which is a colony of billions of bacterium. However, don't freak out! Bacteria are natural for your body and some bacteria are actually 'good bacteria'. But, how do you get rid of the bad bacterium that is causing the bad breath?

Naturally Get Rid of Bad Breath

You might be surprised how simple it is to naturally get rid of bad breath? In fact, it is as simple as discovering how to prevent the cause of bad breath! Most often, bad breath can be naturally cured simply by changing a simple habit such as: your diet; what you drink; how you brush your teeth; or what you brush your teeth with.

The first step to naturally get rid of bad breath is to hydrate your mouth and body! In other words, drink and drink and drink water! Many times the mouth is left dry because of not drinking enough water. Over 80% of the population is walking around dehydrated. Buy a water bottle and make a goal of drinking at least 10-12 glasses of water per day. A good tip is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day! Therefore, a 150 lb. person would drink 75 ounces of water per day (almost 10 cups of water).
Then lastly and maybe not so obvious is eating yogurt. You see yogurt contains a bacterium that lives well in the body and is very benign in terms of bad effects

Finally, the next step to naturally get rid of bad breath is to kill or rid yourself of the bacterium on your tongue. Have you ever noticed the pungent or sharp smell of bad breath? It typically has an acidic smell and taste. By understanding how to balance the acids in your mouth, you can actually stop bacterium growth and say good bye to bad breath forever. In fact, you can actually start today with alkaline foods and ingredients which are already in your kitchen cupboard. To discover now to naturally get rid of bad breath today

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bad Breath, It Happens To the Best of Us

So why do we get bad breath and how the heck can we get rid of it? These are two very common and very important questions that we have all had to ask ourselves at some time or another. The reason it is such an important thing to figure out is that it is so much a part of who we are. It affects our confidence with people and our reputation around people. Talking is such a part of our daily life and if we have bad breath we are either not talking for fear that someone will find out how nasty we are or we are embarrassing or offending those we are talking to. Bad breath is also not only offensive to others; it carries with it a taste that is offensive to the owner as well.

Now it is one thing to have bad breath once in a while or in the morning before we brush our teeth. This kind of problem is easily remedied with simple hygiene. But can you imagine (and some of you can) having bad breath chronically and so bad that simply brushing your teeth or avoiding spicy food at lunch is not enough. Well some people have to live with this nightmare called chronic halitosis.

So if you are one of these people you need to first know that there are very good remedies to most people's cases of bad breath that are worse than normal. First you should go see your dentist which is pretty obvious. You see bad body odors in general are secondary to the growth of microorganisms (bacteria, yeast, etc.) that are producing noxious fumes as a byproduct of their metabolisms. It is always important to go and see that you don't have a major infection that is causing the rotten (literally!) smell in your mouth.

Often however there isn't a huge cavity or pharyngeal abscess to explain the terrible smells and because the etiology is less obvious the solution is less obvious as well. Killing the bacteria is still the name of the game though and it just because people with chronic bad breath were unlucky enough to have gotten a particularly smelly strain of bacteria.

How do you get rid of this smell? Well in several ways. One is to brush your teeth more often like every time you have food. Another is to get in the habit of brushing your tongue. Another is to buy a good mouth wash that kills the bacteria. Then lastly and maybe not so obvious is eating yogurt. You see yogurt contains a bacterium that lives well in the body and is very benign in terms of bad effects. If you do these things you may just find that your bad breath goes away[read more.]